Marie Alexis
Tänzerin, Choreografin, Videokünstlerin, künstlerische Leitung cie O.
Choreographer, video artist, art. director, dancer
In a world of chaos
I dance
to find a playful relationship
with the basic laws of physicality.
In a world of functionality
I dance
to find the pleasure of sensual nonsense.
In a world of consumerism
I dance
to create.
In a world of wonders
I dance
to celebrate.
POLEIDOSKOP (2024) I concept, art. direction, choreography, production
LIVING MATTER(S) (2023) | concept, art. direction, choreography, production
ERROR 508 (2022) | concept, art. direction, choreography, production
PLEASE FEED THE DANCERS (2020-2021) | concept, art. direction, choreography, production
AUTOPOIESIS (2020) | concept, art. direction, performance, editing, sound design
COME [and play] AWAY (2019) | concept, art. direction, choreography, Game Master
COME AWAY (2018) | dance, concept, art. direction, choreography, production
BUILDING BRIDGES (2017) | dance, concept, art. direction